TSH21 Series Universal Tank Switcher
The TSH21 Series Universal Tank Switcher provides advanced new features for the management of LN2 Supply Cylinders. These features include:• Pre-configured modes for supplying cryogenic
freezers and environmental chambers.
• Pre-configured mode for managed fill applications.
• 2,3 or 4 Valve configurations.
• A Defog feature allows the switcher to operate in coordination with a freezer, optimizing efficiency.
• Smart Supply Reset eliminates alarms due to insufficent tank pressure.
• Low Pressure Switch moves to next supply cylinder when head pressure gets too low.
• Cryowire Secure ™ interface for improved freezer and gas bypass interoperability.
• A Vacuum Fluorescent Display indicates the status of supply cylinders, the manifold pressure and the sensor state.
• A menu system provides for easy adjustment of parameters.
• A drip tray prevents moisture from creating hazardous conditions.
• 12 VDC Solenoid Valves provide good flow and quiet operation.
• A universal power supply for operation anywhere in the world.
• A modular design for easy maintenance.
• Connectivity to the ciSmart Cloud platform provides global real time status on the LN2 supply and error conditions.
The system utilizes a hybrid sensing technology, which provides accurate information on the liquid nitrogen supply while at the same time optimizing the use of the liquid nitrogen. The TSH21 Series also has the capability for easy expansion. Multiple tank switchers can be connected together through the Cryowire communications channel, allowing for the management of a large number of supply cylinders. The ciSmart Cloud platform allows notifications by email, text or a voice call to lab personnel or gas suppliers when the Liquid Nitrogen supply gets low.
Availablitiy: 8-12 weeks